DSCI 100 function reference sheet for Python

This reference sheet contains the key objects that we use in DSCI 100, and a brief syntax example for each of the main packages. During the closed book exams, you will still have access to this page, so get familiar with it already now. There is no guarantee that every function or parameter in the textbook is covered here, but if you think there is something missing, please let us know and we can consider adding it.

Note that we have only described use cases relevant to DSCI 100. For example, the function reference for a pandas data frame is pd.DataFrame(data_as_dict), because in DSCI 100 we show you how to create data frames from a dictionary in this manner. Although there are many other ways of creating data frames and many parameters that you could use inside pd.DataFrame, we have opted to only include what we use in DSCI 100 to make this guide more useful for you. Sometimes we have included the exact parameter name of a function, e.g. drop(columns), other times we have opted to included a more descriptive name, e.g. agg(list_of_aggregations).

Data wrangling (pandas)

A typical data frame operation would look something like this:

import pandas as pd

    df['column2'] < 10,
    ['column2', 'column3']

pandas functions, prefix with pd.

Name Description
DataFrame(data_as_dict) A two-dimensional, heterogeneous tabular data structure with labeled axes
Series(data_as_list) A one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding data of various types
crosstab(df) Compute a cross-tabulation of two (or more) factors, e.g. a confusion matrix.
concat(dfs_or_series) Concatenate pandas objects (dfs, series) along a particular axis
read_csv(filepath, sep) Read data from a CSV file
read_excel(filepath, sheet) Read data from an Excel file
read_html(filepath) Parse HTML tables from a web page and return a list of DataFrames
to_csv(filepath, index) Write a DataFrame to a CSV file

Data frame methods, prefix with the name of the data frame (e.g. df.)

Name Description
abs() Convert to absolute value
agg(list_of_aggregations) Perform multiple aggregations (‘mean’, ‘median’, etc)
apply(func) Apply a function to every column or row in the df
assign(newcol=oldcol*2) Create a new column
astype(dtype) Convert the data type of a column
describe() Calculate common descriptive statistics
drop(columns) Remove the specified row(s) or column(s)
dropna() Remove the rows that contains NULL/NA values
groupby(column_as_str) Group rows together if share value in the specified column
contains(string) For searching for a str within the values of a df column
isin(values) For each value in a column, check if it is present in the specified values
iloc[] Select rows and columns by their integer positions
info() Print a concise summary of a df
loc[] Filter rows and select columns at the same time
max() Return the maximum value of the columns
mean() Return the mean value of the columns
melt(id_vars, var_name, value_name) Unpivot a df from wide to long format
merge(df, on) Merge data frames or series
min() Return the minimum value of the columns
nlargest() Return top n rows after sorting the df by a column’s highest value
nsmallest() Return top n rows after sorting the df by a column’s smallest value
pivot(index, columns, values) Turn df from long to wide
quantile() Return the value at the specified quantile
query() Filter a data frame based on row condition query, similar to [].
rename(columns) Rename columns in a df
replace(to_replace, value) Replace specific values to desired new values
reset_index() Reset the index of the df to a numerical range
round() Round values in a df
sample(n, frac, replace) Return a random sample of n rows from a df
shape Find the number of rows and cols of the df
sort_values() Order the rows of a df by the values of certain col
str.startswith() Test if the start of each str element in a column matches a pattern
sum() Return the sum of the values over the requested axis
tail() Return a specified number of rows from the end of the df
unique() See all unique values in a column
value_counts() Return a Series containing the frequency of each distinct value in the column

Data base methods, perform on a database connection or a table

Name Description
ibis.sqlite.connect(database, host, port, user, password) Connect to a database
list_tables() List all tables in the database
table() Connect to a specific table in a database
order_by() The same as sort_values for a data frame
execute() Execute a database table operation to yield a data frame from the database

Visualization (altair)

A typical chart syntax would look something like this:

import altair as alt

    y=alt.Y('column2').title('Column 2')
Name Description
Chart(df) Specity the data used for the chart
Color, X, Y, … Helpers for modifying the corresponding encoding, eg. adding a title
axis(tickCount, format) Modify the axis format of a single axis
configure_axis(titleFontSize) Modify the axis format of all axes
mark_point(color, opacity, size) Represent the data with the corresponding graphical mark
bin(maxbins) Group the values of a column into bins (buckets)
‘count()’, ‘mean()’, etc Special encoding strings to compute the count, mean, etc of a column
datum(value) A special encoding that creates data points directly instead of using a data frame
facet(column_as_str, columns) Create multiple views of a dataset where each panel contains a different subset
disable_max_rows() Disable the default maximum row limit for displaying data, which simplifies working with large data frames
encode(x, y, color, …) Specify how data columns are encoded as visual channels (x, y, color, etc)
& (ampersand) Concatenating charts vertically
| (pipe) Concatenating charts horizontally
+ (plus) Layer multiple charts on top of each other
legend(orient) Modify the legend format and properties for the chart
properties(width, height) Set various properties and configurations for the chart
resolve_scale(x, y) Control if scales are shared or independent between charts
save(‘filename’) Save the chart to a file
scale(zero, type) Modify scale properties for encoding channels in the chart
stack() Control if marks (e.g. bars of areas) should stack on top of each other
title() Add a title to the axis

Machine learning (scikit-learn)

Setting up a typical scikit-learn model would look something like this:

knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3)
knn.fit(X_train, y_train)
knn.score(X_test, y_test)
Name Description
GridSearchCV(estimator, param_grid, cv) Perform an exhaustive search over a hyperparameter grid to find the best combination using cross-validation.
KMeans(n_clusters) Initialize a K-Means clustering algorithm for grouping data points into clusters based on similarity.
KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors) Initialize a k-Nearest Neighbors classifier for classification tasks.
KNeighborsRegressor(n_neighbors) Initialize a k-Nearest Neighbors regressor for regression tasks.
LinearRegression() Initialize a Linear regression model for predicting continuous target values from input features.
SimpleImputer() Initialize a Imputation transformer for handling missing data using simple strategies.
StandardScaler() Initialize a Scaler for standardizing features by subtracting the mean and scaling to unit variance.
best_params_ Attribute in GridSearchCV containing the best hyperparameters found during the grid search.
coef_ Attribute in linear models (e.g., LinearRegression) containing the estimated coefficients of features.
cross_validate() Function for evaluating a model’s performance using cross-validation and returning multiple scores.
cv_results_ Attribute in GridSearchCV containing detailed results from cross-validation grid search.
euclidean_distances(x, y) Compute pairwise Euclidean distances between points in two datasets.
fit(X, y) Fit/train the model
get_params() Method to retrieve the hyperparameters of an estimator.
inertia_ Attribute in KMeans indicating the sum of squared distances from samples to their cluster centers.
intercept_ Attribute in linear models (e.g., LinearRegression) containing the intercept term of the model.
make_column_selector(dtype_include) Function for creating a column selector for transformers in a ColumnTransformer.
make_column_transformer((transformer, list_of_columns), remainder) Function for creating a composite transformer for feature preprocessing.
make_pipeline(preprocessor, model) Function for creating a composite estimator (pipeline) with specified preprocessing and model steps.
mean_squared_error() Function to calculate the mean squared error between true and predicted values for regression tasks.
named_steps Attribute in a Pipeline object providing access to individual steps by name.
predict(X) Method used to make predictions on new data samples for various estimators.
score(X, y) Method for calculating the accuracy or performance metric of a classifier or regressor.
set_config() Function to configure global scikit-learn settings and behavior.
train_test_split(df, train_size, stratify) Function for splitting a dataset into training and testing sets for model evaluation.


Name Description
[print(num**2) for num in range(10)] A list comprehension to loop through the given range and perform an operation (here printing the square of the numbers)
append() Add elements to the end of a list or array
enumerate(iterable) Generate indices and values from an iterable
print() Display text or variable values to the console
range(start, stop, step) Create a range with regularly spaced values
np.arange(start, stop, step) Create an array with regularly spaced values
np.array(list) Create a NumPy array from a list or other iterable
np.seed(seed) Seed the random number generator for reproducibility
np.sqrt(x) Calculate the square root of a numeric value or array