Configuring Rudaux


Rudaux makes some important assumptions. In the future we hope to abstract away these assumptions. For reproducible provisioning of a compatible course infrastructure, see the DSCI 100 course infrastructure repository.

Note: The infrastructure repository is still under development, and may undergo significant changes before the course's release in January 2019.

Configuration Options

A configuration file should be included in the same directory where nbgrader operates. When creating your configuration file, you have two options:

  1. Save the options in a file named This will keep your options for each program separate.
  2. Save the options in your file. This will allow you to only maintain one config file.


c.Canvas.course_url - str
The URL of your Canvas distribution.

Example: ''

c.Canvas.course_id - int
The Canvas ID of your course. If you open your course in canvas, this will appear as:<course_id>/assignments
c.Canvas.token_name (str)
The name of the environment variable holding your Canvas Access Token.


c.Canvas.external_tool_name - str
The name of your external tool in Canvas which represents your JupyterHub server. For more information read the ltiauthenticator documentation, which contains information on how to set up an external tool in Canvas.

Default: 'Jupyter'

c.Canvas.external_tool_level - str
The level at which your external tool was created in Canvas.

Acceptable values: ['course', 'account', 'group']
Default: 'course'

Note: external_tool_name and external_tool_level are used to locate the ID of your external tool in Canvas to attach it to your assignment links. This links your LTI Consumer Key and LTI Consumer Secret to each launch request, authenticating your users.


c.GitHub.ins_repo_url - str
The location of your instructors repository where you will keep your solutions, graded assignments, and gradebook.db.

Rudaux will detect the type of URL provided (HTTPS vs SSH).

c.GitHub.stu_repo_url - str
The location of your public student repository this will contain the release versions of your assignments.

Rudaux will detect the type of URL provided (HTTPS vs SSH).

c.GitHub.assignment_release_path - str
The subpath of the student repository where assignments will be deposited.

Default: 'materials'


c.JupyterHub.hub_url - str
The URL of your JupyterHub server.
c.JupyterHub.base_url - str
A JupyterHub prefix, if one is specified. In your, this would be named "c.JupyterHub.base_url"

Default: "" (an empty string)
Example: '/jupyter'

c.JupyterHub.storage_path - str
The location of your students' persistent storage.

Example: '/tank/home/dsci100'

c.JupyterHub.zfs - bool
Are ZFS snapshots available? If so, we will utilize snapshotting to ensure that we are using a precise copy of the students' notebooks at the time the assignment closes. If not, we will simply read from the student directories.

Default: False

c.JupyterHub.zfs_regex - str
A regular expression that matches your snapshot timestamp. Use None if the snapshot name is a timestamp.

Default: r'\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}'

c.JupyterHub.zfs_datetime_pattern - str
The pattern of your timestamp in token format, for pendulum parsing:

Default: 'YYYY-MM-DD-HHmm'


c.Course.tmp_dir - str
The temporary directory that rudaux will clone your students' repository into for assignment release.

Default: '~/tmp'

c.Course.timezone - str
The timezone which your due dates will be set and parsed in.

Example: 'US/Pacific'

The docker image you will use to run nbgrader autograding. This should essentially be a copy of your students' docker image, plus nbgrader.

Example: 'ubcdsci/r-dsci-grading'
Example Dockerfiles from DSCI 100:


A list of your assignments with the following fields:

name - str
Required. Unique. The name of the assignment. Must conform to nbgrader naming conventions (i.e. must be the name of the folder containing the jupyter notebook).

Example: 'homework_1'

duedate - str
Required. The date the assignment is due.

Example: '2019-03-14'

duetime - str
Optional. The time the assignment is due.

Default: '23:59:59'

points - int
Optional. The maximum possible points for this assignment.

Default: 1

manual - bool
Optional. Does the assignment require manual input (i.e. TA feedback)? If so, feedback reports will not be generated and grades will not be submitted to Canvas automatically.

Default: False

Note: Rudaux parses datetimes with the pendulum library—acceptable date strings are listed in the pendulum docs. For example, if duedate were '2019-03-14' and duetime were '22:00:00', they would be joined and parsed as '2019-03-14T22:00:00'.
