Individual assignment 2

The purpose of this assignment is to start familiarizing yourselves with version control with Git and GitHub. It will build on the git demos in class as well as the TA tutorials from week 1 (intro shell/bash) and week 2 (merge conflicts). Specifically, we will create a toy repository with a merge conflict and learn how to resolve it. A merge conflict occurs when Git is unable to automatically determine how to incorporate new changes. This can can occur when two branches modify the same line, or when a file is deleted when someone else is changing it. You can read more about merge conflicts here: Git merge conflicts.

Follow the instructions listed below. You will be graded for completion.

Step 1: Create a repository

Create a new public repository on

  • Named {date}-learning-about-version-control
  • Replace the {date} part of the repository name with a date. This way you can come back and re-do this assignment for exam practice. We won’t be grading on when you create the repository.
  • Create it under your own github account (Not the course organization)

Make sure the repository:

  • Includes a that has a header that says “Learning about Version Control” and has your name listed as the author.
  • Is public
  • You may edit the file using the web interface.

Step 2: Clone your repository

Clone your {date}-learning-about-version-control repository to your local computer.

Step 3: Merge Conflict

Create and resolve a merge conflict 😱!

  • On your remote version control repository, use the pen tool to add a line to the README that says “Solving merge conflicts is easy!”
  • On your local version control repository, edit the same line in the README that you just edited, but this time write “Solving merge conflicts is soooooo hard!”
  • Add and commit your local changes to the README, and the try to push the file so that you create the merge conflict.
  • Resolve the merge conflict on your local computer so that the line reads “Solving merge conflicts takes conscious effort, but I can do it!”. Take a screen shot while you are resolving the conflict to document you did this.
  • Push the local changes to your remote version control repository.

Step 4: Pull request

Create and accept a pull request!

  • Create a new Git branch on your local version control repository named opinions and switch to that branch.
  • Edit your README so that you add at least one sentence about what you like most about version control, and add at least one sentence about what you find most challenging/confusing/frustrating about version control (we all have opinions on this one…). Add and commit your changes to local version control.
  • Push the changes to the README that you made on the opinions branch to the remote repository on
  • Visit and create a pull request to suggest that the changes on the opinions branch should be merged into the main branch.
  • Accept the pull request you opened to merge your changes from the opinions branch into the main branch.

Submission Instructions

You will submit a PDF to Gradescope for individual assignment 1 that includes:

  1. the URL of the commit history of repository you created and worked on for this assignment (it will be something like:<YOURUSERNAME>/<DATE>learning-about-version-control/commits/main)
  2. the screenshot of your resolved merge conflict
  3. an explanation (2-3 sentences and in your own words) of why it is useful to work in a branch-pull-request workflow instead of working by directly committing each change to the main branch.


This assignment will be graded for completion as follows:

Grade Description
100% GitHub history (check under pull request tab in repo) indicates a successfully merged pull request from opinions into main, clearly demonstrated solving the merge conflict in screenshot and well explained why it is useful to work in a branch-pull-request workflow
-25% GitHub history (check under pull request tab in repo) does not indicate a successfully merged pull request from opinions into main
-25% Did not clearly demonstrate solving the merge conflict in screenshot.
-25% Did not well explain why it is useful to work in a branch-pull-request workflow.
-100% No repository or attempt