Individual assignment 5
The purpose of this assignment is to ensure that everyone gains hands-on practice creating software packages in R or Python (or both for bonus points)! This will help prepare you to work on and complete your group project for this course.
Exercise instructions
This assignment you will follow the tutorial to create a toy/practice package using the language you are using for your course project. Follow the instructions in the chapters linked to below. Use the code they provide for the package functions.
Make an R package:
- Read through and follow the instructions in The Whole Game to create a toy/practice package in the R programming language. Push all your work to in a repository under your personal username.
And/or make a Python package:
- Read through and follow the instructions in How to package a Python to create a toy/practice package in the Python programming language. Note - you only need to publish your package to TestPyPI, not PyPI. Push all your work to in a repository under your personal username.
Submission Instructions
You will submit a PDF to Gradescope for this individual assignment that includes:
- the URL of the repository containing your toy/practice package in the Python programming language
- the URL of the repository containing your toy/practice package in the R programming language
This assignment will be graded for completion as follows:
Grade | Description |
110% | A complete and working toy R package, as well as a complete and working toy Python package |
100% | A complete and working toy R or Python package |
75% | A complete but non-working toy R or Python package |
50% | A complete but non-working toy R or Python package |
50% | An incomplete but non-working toy R or Python package |
0% | The assignment was not attempted. |