Tutorial 7

Rendering a quarto document into the docs directory and publish it into github pages.

We are going to work with the repository we’ve been using in class this week. This is the final version of the repo after learning about command line scripts and Make:


It has been set up as a Template. Click on the green “Use this template” button and then select “Create a new repository” to copy the repository into your github account.

Step 1: Run the current set of files

Run the report target from the repository. This should generate the index.html file in the project root.

If you open this document, it should open a basic quarto document with a single figure in it.

Step 2: Enable GitHub Pages

Push the files (index.html) into your github repository, then enable GitHub Pages via the repository settings > pages panel.

  • Under Source, select “Deploy from a branch”
  • Under Branch, select “main” and / (root)

wait a few minutes for github pages to build and publish the site.

Step 3: Turn the project into a Quarto Project

We are now going to turn this project into a quarto project, specifically a manuscript:


The current repository has an empty _quarto.yml file, we will edit it to become a quarto manuscript project.

Edit the _quarto.yml file

Edit the _quarto.yml file so it looks like this:

  type: manuscript
  output-dir: docs

  article: index.qmd

      hypothesis: true
  docx: default

This will set the project type, some of the html formats, and also generate a doc file of our report. We will also have our documents render into the docs directory instead of the root directory.

You will also notice that the article option is looking for index.qmd. We will address this part next.

Create the index file for web publishing

  • Move and rename the report/report.qmd to index.qmd in the repository root.

This will allow quarto to find and render the manuscript project.

After doing this, you should be able to run quarto render on its own, and the report will render into the docs/` directory.

Clean up the repository,

Run the clean target in the repository and confirm that the index.html is no longer created in the root directory.

Edit the Makefile

  • Edit the clean target so that it also deletes the docs/ directory
  • Edit the index.html target such that it is really creating the docs/index.html file.

Now when you run make clean followed by make report (a phony target), you should be able to re-create your report file.

Push your changes to github

Push your new repository changes to github. Including your new docs folder.

You should also no loger have an index.html file in the project root.

Step 4: Publish your side from docs

We have now created a quarto project that renders into the docs directory, not the root directory.

Your current website may be broken since index.html does not exist in the root.

Go back to your Settings > pages repository settings and change the main publishing from root to docs.

Your website should now be published from the docs directory.